
Software developer with 5 years of enterprise experience focused on DevOps/SysOps and backend web software. Thrive to provide reliable, cost-effective solutions, help his team with relevant tooling, mindful of quality and security aspects.

Looking forward to establishing roots in Canada with a new challenge, eager to take on newer technologies (such as go, docker) at scale.

Work Experience


2013 – 2019

DevOps Engineer
2013-2015 Paris, France
2015-2019 San Francisco, USA

INIST, CNRS (FR website, EN wikipedia)

Summer 2012
(3 months)

Software Engineer Intern
Nancy, France

CRAI, laboratory in architecture (FR only)

Summer 2010
(2 months)

Web developer, Intern
Nancy, France


TELECOM Nancy (ESIAL) engineering school

2010 − 2013

Nancy, France

IUT Nancy-Charlemagne (FR only)

2008 − 2010

Nancy, France


Personal Skills

Hobbies and interests